Employee data protection in the company

Employee data protection plays a major role in companies. At the latest since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but also already through the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), employee data must be protected under certain regulations. This article explains what rights employees have and how to comply with them. The rights of employees with […]

The dangers of ransomware

Ransomware is a special form of malware. At least in terms of the target of attackers. This is because the explicit aim is to extort a ransom. Ransomware is programmed to lock files or systems for users. In order to unlock them again, a ransom must be paid. Ransomware is therefore a threat to companies […]

Data protection in the medical practice

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) counts health information as information that is particularly worthy of protection. Accordingly, data protection in the doctor’s office is important. Even in the hectic pace that often prevails in medical practices, it should not be handled carelessly under any circumstances. What does a medical practice need to consider when […]

How to store online safely

Online shopping is here to stay. Most purchases are made on the Internet these days. Accordingly, attention must be paid to the security of data. This applies not only to the stores, but also to the users of these stores. This article will tell you how to store online safely. Why is online shopping dangerous? […]

Trojan dangers

The Trojan gets its name from the fact that this form of malware disguises itself as a harmless software. From this software, the Trojan then spreads on the device and causes the damage there. The danger from Trojans is still very high and it is not easy to detect the danger in advance. How a […]

Password security and where it ends

Password security and where it ends Password security. A topic that concerns us almost every day. After all, all our accounts are protected by passwords. Our data is behind passwords. Accesses are password protected. Software works via activation codes. Money transfers, too. Numeric and alphabetic codes – that is, passwords – are everywhere. But when […]

This is cybercrime

Cybercrime or Internet crime refers to criminal activities that target computers, computer networks or networked devices. So basically all illegal activities that relate to digital data or accounts. These take place online and are accordingly only as secure as the user has set them up to be. Cybercrime can affect both private individuals and companies. […]

Passwordless security in the company

Passwordless security is still a relatively unknown procedure for many. One of the reasons for this is that it is always drilled into your head how important strong passwords are. And that is true. That’s why we keep pointing this out. But there are also ways to secure data and access completely without a password. […]

Data protection in the home office

The home office is becoming more and more popular. The times when people only worked at the workplace in the company are long gone. However, safety must not be compromised in the process. Above all, data protection in the home office is a central topic. The challenge of data protection in the home office In […]

Data backup

Buy now Back to the overview ! What is a data backup? A data backup can be used to create a backup copy of data. This data backup serves to protect against the loss of your own data. What are the methods for backing up data? Hard disks or USB sticks are suitable for private […]